Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You'd think it was rocket science......

Most people can at least spray paint, right? I thought so. How hard can it be? I mean, they put it in a can for convenience so it must be easy. Not so much. Let's just say that spray paint and I are not forming any lasting bonds.

My husband brought home this table for me several months ago. By "brought home" I really mean found on the side of the road somewhere and thought of me. That my husband drives around on garbage day thinking of me should worry me, shouldn't it? Whatever. I'm calling it a present.

 Feel free to ignore the rest of the stuff on my porch - I'm dealing with limited space.

Note that I said he gave this to me several months ago. After he brought it home, I promptly went out and bought spray paint for it - primer and a fabulous teal (both Krylon - Bahama Sea is the teal). And then I waited. It was too cold, too wet, too hot outside. I couldn't get motivated to paint. Then the kids went back to school, and I had some time on my hands. I had a naked table and a couple cans of spray paint. How could I go wrong? Let me count the ways....

1. Read the can first. It tells you to shake the can for 2 minutes before you start spraying. Might have been nice to know as I was cursing the $%^#@! can because it wouldn't spray correctly.

2. Spray in thin layers. Ooops. Probably what caused the dripping was me trying to cover in one layer. Again, should have read the can.

3. Next time buy 2 cans of primer.....even if your project should only take 1. I started to get nervous about running out, so I sprayed it even thicker.

4. Be patient. Not my strong suit. By the time I was done priming the table, waiting an hour to dry, and then putting on the color, I was over it. As in, huh, there are some bald spots, oh well. Over it.

Here is the masterpiece. (And don't look too closely.)

Yes, thanks for asking. That is my container garden and drying rack in the background.
She's cute and will serve her purpose. Once I put a lamp and a couple books on her, she'll be just fine. Besides, if she was perfect, she would not fit into my household.
In the end I think I like the messier brush and a can application method. We'll see. I'm gonna spray paint a lamp next.(You can start praying for us now.)


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