Friday, January 21, 2011

When I Grow Up...

I don't know what I want to do with my life. I'd like to stay home, have a garden, learn to really sew, clip coupons, blah, blah, blah. That is not my reality. Right now I'm trying to make the little decisions: Do we move to Virginia or stay in Chicago?

My sister lives in VA. I loved it there the one time we visited. My husband loved it. The boys want to live near their cousins. It's a big decision. I hoping for a sign from a big booming voice yelling, "Pack it up and get on with it, Girl!" Right now I'm just looking at jobs and houses to rent. I guess if I find the right thing, I'll know.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

An Unplanned Stay-cation

I was laid off yesterday. It was unpleasant. You can say that it was just as unpleasant for the messenger, but really, no it wasn't. I'm the one that had to call home to tell my stay-at-home-dad husband that I'm now going to stay home, too. So, like all good recently laid off people, I got drunk. It was fun. I spent the time with two friends who got laid off with me. Now, a full day later, I'm trying to decide what I want to do with my life.

My kids are in school. What the heck am I supposed to do all day? Yeah, I can fill a week or so with cleaning, purging, down-sizing, etc., but what then? I know a lot of women who are happy at home. I could be, too, with the right trust fund. I can kill some time with the crafts I'm always saying I'll do; but let's be realistic, if I really wanted to do them BL (before lay-off) I would have made the time. I think I may just like the idea of doing projects.

This brings me to revised purpose of my blog. What is Suzanne going to do? How long will she last before she cracks? What will she do to fill her time?

Follow me and see.